Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brave Nate

Nate celebrated the 4th of July snoozing.  As with most things, the fireworks didn't bother him at all.   Yea, Nate!  Like last week, there were no other major news events since his last blog post, so here are some more pictures of this handsome boy enjoying pet-life!

Outside, standing with Funky, you can really see the difference in their brindle color.  Funky is a regular brindle and Nate is a dark brindle.  Of course, they're both exceedingly handsome :-))


It's hot out here - Nate's an inside boy at heart.

Big gulp!
 Back to his true love... stuffie-mania!

Somewhere... out there...

 Have you ever noticed how the shape of a greyhound head 
is a perfect heart?